Second Death of Coronavirus in Malta

The Health department announced that the 2nd death has been confirmed in Malta in just over 12 hours separating both deaths. We will now be seeing these deaths more frequently as the coronavirus takes its toll on the Maltese Islands. One can say that we have been expecting this issue for a long time now. We were told by the Health Authorities that people over the age of 65 are the most vulnerable and must stay at home not to get infected as they will be already suffering from chronic diseases and with the virus it makes things much more complicated for the human body to control. The man that die on Thursday was a “79-year-old man” who was being treated at Karin Grech.
In Malta so far we had 299 cases to be exact, 16 recovered cases and 2 deaths according to World Meters. USA still holds the most cases which the number rising by 30,000 on a daily basis up to a total of 435,000. USA also have between 1500 – 2000 deaths per single day. Spain and Italy follows having both almost 150,000 cases each and total deaths of 15,000. China now is recovering from the virus with now their total cases stand at 81,000 and has been like that for quite some time and total deaths of over 3,300. They only have a couple of deaths on a daily basis even though we cannot rely on the numbers that they have been given. According to the Financial Times China is being accused of “under-reporting coronavirus outbreak” by frontline healthcare workers, patients and international experts.

The most important thing that one should do is to stay at home and stay safe. In WWII men were asked to go out, do training and go to war, now we are asked to stay at home and yet people not only in Malta as even across Europe where the death toll is far higher do not know what that means. So far we have a number of people every day that are being fined €100. On Sunday, a total of 35 people were fined because they were out in a group of more than 3. The police is having to do a lot for their money’s worth nowadays with the majority of the police going out on the patrol. Surely cannot accuse the police now that they are not doing their work and still getting paid overtime as reported on February 14th where 41 police officers were arrested 31 on police bail and seven resigned on suspicion that they were being paid for overtime and no work was being recorded. Unfortunately this was taken up as a political issue by the party in the opposition.

The world right now is passing through unprecedented times and now it is time that we show how strong we are as a nation and get together and do what the health advisors are telling us. The most important thing is that we do not put pressure on the frontliners out there who are the nurses and doctors who are working day and night to fight this cruel pandemic.


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